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Profile for bmrobot  ->  Topics created by bmrobot  [XML]    [ number of topics not being displayed on this page: 0 ]
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folder [Announcement] Insecure secure cookie in Tornado 0 bmrobot 785 15/08/2010 23:19:46
bmrobot [Latest Reply]
Thông tin new bugs và exploits
folder [Announcement] Multiple Vulnerabilities in PyForum 0 bmrobot 564 14/12/2009 21:28:25
bmrobot [Latest Reply]
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folder [Announcement] Backdoor in PyForum 0 bmrobot 943 30/11/2009 09:36:18
bmrobot [Latest Reply]
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folder [Announcement] Remote code execution in BKAV eOffice 3 bmrobot 1822 01/09/2009 21:59:12
holiganvn [Latest Reply]
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folder [Announcement] XML Injection in PyBlosxom 1 bmrobot 1148 07/08/2009 01:52:54
RECON [Latest Reply]
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folder [Announcement] (BMSA-2009-05) Cross Site Request Forgery in Yahoo! 360plus 0 bmrobot 1071 10/06/2009 15:19:25
bmrobot [Latest Reply]
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folder [Announcement] [BMSA-2009-04] Remote Denial of Service in Internet Explorer 0 bmrobot 1093 11/04/2009 16:16:04
bmrobot [Latest Reply]
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folder [Announcement] [BMSA-2009-03] Multiple vulnerabilities in OpenSite v2.1 4 bmrobot 1037 06/03/2009 18:22:54
dangminh4 [Latest Reply]
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folder [Announcement] Authentication bypass in Interspire Shopping Cart 0 bmrobot 1278 13/01/2009 00:02:50
bmrobot [Latest Reply]
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folder [Announcement] Two buffer overflow vulnerabilities in Rumpus 1 bmrobot 787 04/12/2008 02:02:52
megatron [Latest Reply]
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folder [Announcement] Insecure default FTP password in VTC iCafe 0 bmrobot 2249 21/08/2008 20:32:57
bmrobot [Latest Reply]
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