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Messages posted by: tcp  XML
Profile for tcp Messages posted by tcp [ number of posts not being displayed on this page: 0 ]
nohat nhan xet kha hop ly,

Cac chi nhanh co le la cac diem yeu nhat trong bat ky he thong mang nao, co the la do chu quan hoac la do trinh do cua user kem nen kho ap dung cac ky thuat bao ve.

Tuy nhien cai kho o day la lam sao tham nhap vao trong cac mang o chi nhanh duoc, chac can phai dau tu nhieu cong suc hon,

Thong tin nay chi do TCP vo tinh thay duoc thoi, ba con co the nhin vao do dua ra nhung nhan xet ve mat manh mat yeu cua mot he thong (gom nhieu thu tu server, power, backup...)
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