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  [Question]   Translational Control of Gene Expression 01/07/2006 21:46:09 (+0700) | #1 | 2843

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Translational Control of Gene Expression

Translational Control of Gene Expression (Cold Spring Harbor Monograph)
Sonenberg N.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; 2001; 1020стр.;
ISBN: 0879696184

Since the 1996 publication of Translational Control, there has been fresh interest in protein synthesis and recognition of the key role of translational control mechanisms in regulating gene expression. This new monograph updates and expands the scope of the earlier book but it also takes a fresh look at the field. In a new format, the first eight chapters provide broad overviews, while each of the additional twenty-eight has a focus on a research topic of more specific interest. The result is a thoroughly up-to-date account of initiation, elongation, and termination of translation, control mechanisms in development in response to extracellular stimuli, and the effects on the translational machinery of virus infection and disease. This book is essential reading for students entering the field and an invaluable resource for investigators of gene expression and its control.

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