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Forum Index Trash Cuộc thi tìm kiếm tài năng tin tặc mạng ở việt nam  XML
  [Discussion]   Cuộc thi tìm kiếm tài năng tin tặc mạng ở việt nam 21/12/2013 23:19:43 (+0700) | #1 | 279271

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Joined: 10/08/2011 14:44:55
Messages: 14
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Xin chào mọi người mình có nhận được bức thư từ Anonymous nói về cuộc thi tìm kiếm tài năng tin tặc mạng ở việt nam,

Hello networks used in Vietnam . Our community is a group of hackers in Vietnam ( HAVC team " Hacker Anonymous Vietnam Community " ) , together with our Chinese hacker group network ( HAC , " Hacker Anonymous China Community " ) . Create a hacker looking to welcome New Year Day 01/01/2014 , we create competition for hackers to find strength in Vietnam .
please contact to email : to register a talent search contest hackers Vietnam online community .
Competition rules do not violate network used in Vietnam , to raise spending way for administrators to learn in Vietnam ,
all the problems , the confirmation email after registration with the registered title contest talented hackers Vietnam . we will send the content in the competition as well as requirements in the contest , the contest was held on 12.24.2013 - 27.12.2013 .
competition results in our search and selection take place in Vietnam 10 members and 10 members in china .. value for the $ 1,000 prize package especially the $ 10,000 cost of all examinations are provided by HAVC Team + Team HAC .
.... Thanks and see you in the contest ..

bạn nào có trình độ về hacking thì tham gia,
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