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Forum Index Thông tin new bugs và exploits Top Ten Web Hacking Techniques of 2011  XML
  [Discussion]   Top Ten Web Hacking Techniques of 2011 01/03/2012 09:34:29 (+0700) | #1 | 256382

Joined: 27/12/2001 05:07:00
Messages: 745
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đứng đầu là BEAST smilie

1. BEAST (by: Thai Duong and Juliano Rizzo)

2. Multiple vulnerabilities in Apache Struts2 and property oriented programming with Java (by: Johannes Dahse)

3. DNS poisoning via Port Exhaustion (by: Roee Hay and Yair Amit)

4. DOMinator – Finding DOMXSS with dynamic taint propagation (by: Stefano Di Paola)

5. Abusing Flash-Proxies for client-side cross-domain HTTP requests (by: Martin Johns and Sebastian Lekies)

6. Expression Language Injection (by: Stefano Di Paola and Arshan Dabirsiaghi)

7. Java Applet Same-Origin Policy Bypass via HTTP Redirect (by: Neal Poole)

8. CAPTCHA Hax With TesserCap (by: Gursev Kalra)

9. Bypassing Chrome’s Anti-XSS filter (by: Nick Nikiforakis)

10. CSRF: Flash + 307 wwwect = Game Over (by: Phillip Purviance)

xem đường dẫn đến các tấn công ở đây: bây giờ chúng ta hãy thảo luận về từng tấn công.


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