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Forum Index Thông tin về các địa chỉ và tài liệu hữu ích Hack Proofing Your Web Application  XML
  [Document]   Hack Proofing Your Web Application 31/08/2009 20:44:38 (+0700) | #1 | 191645

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Hack Proofing Your Web Application

Emphasizes reducing the risks of malicious attacks on code while it's being written--rather than after an audit or customer finds a flaw. Key points include the need for a formal security process; testing as a fundamental component of application security; the need for developers to stay current on changes and enhancements in the toolsets they use; and the importance of developers, webmasters, and network administrators keeping up to date on known security threats. The 10 contributors are developers and consultants from across the US.
Treo chuột, gác phím, cất modem, cắt NET. Lên núi luyện công chờ ngày trở lại ...
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