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Forum Index Thông tin về các địa chỉ và tài liệu hữu ích Virtualization with VMware ESX Server  XML
  [Document]   Virtualization with VMware ESX Server 19/06/2009 21:36:42 (+0700) | #1 | 184042

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Virtualization with VMware ESX Server
463 pages | Syngress; 1 edition (June 1, 2005) | 1597490199 | PDf | 7 Mb

This book will detail the default and custom installation of VMware's ESx server as well as basic and advanced virtual machine configurations. It will also discuss the requirements for a server virtualization and consolidation project and the cost savings surrounding such an effort.

Furthermore, the book will provide a thorough understanding of the benefits of a virtual infrastructure and a comprehensive examination of how VMware eases administration and lowers overall IT costs.

Lastly, the book delivers a thorough understanding of the virtual evolution which is underway in many IT organizations and how the reader will benefit from shifting from the physical to a virtual

* A detailed resource on the default and custom installation of VMware's ESx server
* Covers all the requirements for a server virtualization and consolidation project and the cost savings surrounding such an effort
* Delivers a thorough understanding of the virtual evolution occuring in the IT industry
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