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  [Question]   Telephoning in English 23/06/2006 18:15:09 (+0700) | #1 | 722

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Telephoning in English

Product Details
Paperback: 136 pages
Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 3 edition (July 1, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN: 0521539110

Book Description
Telephoning in English is for professionals and trainees in business, commerce and administration who need to be able to receive and make telephone calls. It is suitable for use in class or for self-study. Telephoning in English develops and consolidates practical telephone skills in a variety of interesting and relevant contexts. Activities range from message-taking and spelling practice to role play, providing learners with a comprehensive course in using the telephone in English. The third edition of this highly regarded and successful title takes into account recent developments in telecommunications and offers new listening material throughout.

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