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  [Question]   How to be a DJ 23/06/2006 17:51:05 (+0700) | #1 | 718

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How to be a DJ

Charles A Graudins, "How to be a DJ"
Course Technology | ISBN 1592005098 | September 2004 | PDF | 328 Pages | 4 Mb

You?ve seen them at weddings and in clubs. You?ve heard them on the radio. DJs who get paid for talking, playing music, and having fun. Now you can, too. "How to Be a DJ" shows you how. You?ll learn all about the three different types of Disc Jockey jobs?radio, nightclub and bar, and mobile. "How to Be a DJ" gives you everything you?ll need to be successful in all three fields by showing you how to get started and how to get ahead. Learn the major advantages and disadvantages of each field. Covers group dynamics, contests and promotions, music, equipment, terminology, trade secrets, and so much more. Get ready to fulfill your DJ dreams!

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