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Forum Index Thảo luận virus, trojan, spyware, worm... w32.ExploitJs.adware  XML
  [Question]   w32.ExploitJs.adware 17/07/2006 11:04:05 (+0700) | #1 | 7347

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Joined: 14/06/2005 00:17:51
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may em hom truoc bi dinh con w32.ExploitJs.adware ! em da dung bakv diet duoc no ! nhung ma` khi em go msconfig vo phan startup thi thay co drumprep 0 - k thi day co phai la víu hay la` spy ko vay ! neu phai thi nho cac ba chi gium em fan mem víu nao diet voi nhe ! thanks cac pac nhiu
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  [Question]   Re: w32.ExploitJs.adware 18/07/2006 05:00:16 (+0700) | #2 | 7538

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Joined: 21/12/2004 20:19:19
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Dumpprep.exe is a Microsoft Dump Reporting Tool.
Dumpprep.exe is a part of Windows Operation System.
It is used to prepare error report after system or program crash.
Dumpprep may be disabled via Control Panel, System, Additional, Error Reporting dialog. 
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