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Forum Index Thảo luận hệ điều hành *nix AccuRev Enterprise v4.0.2 Linux  XML
  [Question]   AccuRev Enterprise v4.0.2 Linux 14/07/2006 22:29:58 (+0700) | #1 | 6631

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AccuRev Enterprise v4.0.2 Linux

AccuRev® is the leader in software development process optimization. The complexity of everyday parallel development has changed, requiring software configuration management (SCM) systems to adapt to today's increasingly rigorous business requirements and the need for software development teams to remain agile and competitive.

AccuRev's interface with advanced visualization and process automation, makes the traditionally manual processes of branching and merging, central to any advanced parallel process, a core competitive advantage, instead of being your biggest challenge.

AccuRev's best-of-breed approach to application lifecycle management (ALM) enables unlimited, adaptable, and compliant process models. This methodology is ideally suited for parallel and distributed software development teams implementing an optimally integrated and efficient ALM solution.

AccuRev makes an organization more ADEPT at managing and protecting its most critical business applications and software assets by fusing them with the development process. Instituting software development best practices and supporting sophisticated parallel development across distributed development teams becomes more intuitive, automated and secure.

Agile - Constantly changing processes, teams, new acquisitions and partners mean you have to stay agile. AccuRev provides the flexibility and ease of use to quickly and efficiently make changes on the fly, delegate projects and shift resources.

Distributed - Companies with hundreds of developers used to work on one floor of a building in a couple different locations. Now there may be four groups working not only in a couple different cities, but also overseas, with some working from home three days a week. AccuRev improves the productivity of these fine-grained, distributed teams while enforcing your processes, ensuring accountability, quality and on-time delivery of development projects.

Efficient - AccuRev improves developer and team productivity by producing the optimal blend of power and ease of use to ensure projects are completed in an efficient manner.

Parallel - AccuRev is designed to manage the complexity of multiple, simultaneous releases and enable continuous development regardless of segregation of work at the team or individual level. Large projects, minor patches and customer one-offs can all be managed in the same predictable and cost-effective way.

TimeSafe - The stream-based architecture of AccuRev enables truly atomic, transaction-based changes to avoid the possibility of broken builds and ensure reliability of any past configuration, and efficient rollbacks whether days, weeks or years later.


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