[Question] HIDS có chức năng Port Scan Detector |
22/08/2008 00:34:08 (+0700) | #1 | 148059 |
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Joined: 21/08/2008 02:11:04
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Em hiện đang làm một đề tài tốt nghiệp về bảo mật với tên đề tài là
Viết chương trình Host Intrusion Detection System có chức năng Port Scan Detector.
Em đang rất hoan man và k biết bắt đầu như thế nào? Mong các anh chị góp ý giúp đỡ em.
Em có tìm một chương trình HIDS trên mạng ở địa chỉ http://sourceforge.net/projects/hidsbyavinash/
và em chạy chương trình ấy trên fedora core 8.
Do mới tìm hiểu về Linux nên em k hiểu thường thì khi cài đặt chương trình trên Linux thông qua 3 lệnh ./configure, make and make install. thế nhưng chương trình trên lại sử dụng qua gui main và lại chạy ra k giống như những kết quả chương trình đưa ra
Đây là file read me của chương trình
The Intrusion Detection System (IDS) was developed and tested on Fedora Core 3 (Linux).
To run the IDS software, the LAN (ether net port) should be enabled.
After enabling the LAN, the IDS can be started using the GUI. From the "main_gui" form, click on the "Advanced Controls" button.
The Advanced Controls form shows the status of the IDS (Running, Stopped or Malfunctioning).
Click on the Start button to start the IDS. IDS when operational will be running in the
background, the process which are a part of IDS are
(For starting the IDS from the terminal, run the commands
./sniffex&,./findtcp&,./read1&,./count&,./en_policy& in the terminal)
The main form (main_gui) has a built in network monitor which shows the network statistics. Also
the port scan log can be accessed by clicking on the "View Port" button.
To see the open port on the host machine, click on the "View open ports" buttons and then "Start
scan" button. By doing this the IDS will scan the host and display the open port number, the state
of the port and the service running on that port
Advanced Controls will in the main form button navigate you to the form which shows the current
Status of the IDS. You can start or stop the IDS from this form.
To control the individual modules, two buttons are provided.
1. Port Scan Detector:
Form this form you can configure the portscan detection module by changing the threshold value.
Logs for individual packets can be viewed by selecting the appropriate packet type from the drop
down list.
To see the summary of the incomming packets from each IP address click ont the "View sumamry"
To see the blocked IP's click on the "View Blocked IP" button.
2. Policy Enforcer
This will display the current policy set by the administrator, this can be changed using the
"Edit Policy" button.
Alerts and Warnings:
The IDS is designed to run as a background process invisible to the users. When ever the IDS
detects an intrusiion attempt, an appropriate warning is displayed.
Alert for a port scan gives information about the source IP of the port scan, ie the IP of the
machine on the network which initiated the scan, and give the administrator to block the IP
A Warning is given if any user is found to be voilating the policy, the administrator has an
option to remotely terminate the illegal process using the "Kill Process" button.
"Em rất mong nhận được sự góp ý giúp đỡ của các anh chị"
Em xin cảm ơn rất nhiều! |