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folder [Question]  MyBB 1.1.4~function_post.php XSS Attack In URL tag 0 phamquoc_truong 1079 29/06/2006 12:30:28 (+0700)
phamquoc_truong [Latest Reply]
folder [Question]  SiteBar Cross-Site Scripting 0 phamquoc_truong 773 28/06/2006 23:03:35 (+0700)
phamquoc_truong [Latest Reply]
folder [Question]  Bug cross-site scripting trong Cpanel 10 (09-06-2006) 0 phamquoc_truong 890 28/06/2006 22:35:10 (+0700)
phamquoc_truong [Latest Reply]
folder [Question]  IPB Hexadecimal HTML Entities Script Insertion 3 Z0rr0 2544 28/06/2006 15:10:28 (+0700)
badbigboy1 [Latest Reply]
folder [Question]  Ashop Search Module SQL injection 1 LeonHart 981 28/06/2006 11:08:11 (+0700)
phamquoc_truong [Latest Reply]
folder [Question]  Opera 9.0 DoS 3 BigballVN 774 28/06/2006 06:44:53 (+0700)
lihavim [Latest Reply]
folder [Question]  IE + Opera DoS 3 BigballVN 1066 27/06/2006 08:58:10 (+0700)
jackly [Latest Reply]
folder [Question]  Improper user validation allows attackers to execute PHP code in myBB 5 conmale 1726 27/06/2006 07:23:24 (+0700)
Tinoo [Latest Reply]
folder [Question]  MySQL DoS (select str_to_date( 1, NULL ) crashes mysqld) 1 LeonHart 1143 27/06/2006 00:19:44 (+0700)
jackyrua [Latest Reply]
folder [Question]  CesarFTP Buffer Overflow (Metasploit) 0 conmale 1014 21/06/2006 08:19:07 (+0700)
conmale [Latest Reply]
folder [Question]  firefox dos (exploit) 0 tranvanminh 960 20/06/2006 16:11:40 (+0700)
tranvanminh [Latest Reply]
folder [Question]  Linux Kernel NetFilter DoS (Exploit) 0 conmale 945 16/06/2006 15:49:50 (+0700)
conmale [Latest Reply]
folder [Question]  Andys Chat 4.5 (action) Remote File Inclusion 0 LeonHart 671 16/06/2006 15:18:44 (+0700)
LeonHart [Latest Reply]
folder [Question]  HotPlugCMS_1.0 - SQL Injection 0 LeonHart 789 16/06/2006 15:17:32 (+0700)
LeonHart [Latest Reply]
folder [Question]  APBoard 2.2-r3 <= SQL Injections 0 LeonHart 789 16/06/2006 15:15:36 (+0700)
LeonHart [Latest Reply]
folder [Question]  PhpBlueDragon CMS 2.9.1, File inclusion vulnerability 0 LeonHart 762 15/06/2006 20:33:59 (+0700)
LeonHart [Latest Reply]
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