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folder [Document]  Formal Aspects of Security and Trust 1 Ky0shir0 303 26/03/2011 08:06:35 (+0700)
vikjava [Latest Reply]
folder [Document]  Hacking Exposed: Web Applications, 3rd Edition 1 Ky0shir0 932 25/03/2011 09:06:10 (+0700)
dungth02 [Latest Reply]
folder [Question]  Advanced Windows Debugging (Paperback) 1 subnetwork 704 22/03/2011 07:50:18 (+0700)
Ky0 [Latest Reply]
folder [Document]  tài liệu về " Hệ thống truy cập từ xa VNC (Vitual Network Computing)" 0 tuan08t22 672 21/03/2011 02:37:35 (+0700)
tuan08t22 [Latest Reply]
folder [Document]  PAF 6.8 DIGITAL AGE VỪA MỚI RA MẮT 0 hoaianvn 349 19/03/2011 13:35:24 (+0700)
hoaianvn [Latest Reply]
folder [Document]  Hacking tutorials best of 2010 0 nhanlaihong 948 18/03/2011 18:45:38 (+0700)
nhanlaihong [Latest Reply]
folder [Question]  Xin book Apache Administrator's Handbook ! 0 vitcon01 372 16/03/2011 08:47:04 (+0700)
vitcon01 [Latest Reply]
folder [Question]  Trợ giúp code lập trình 3 smagic39 712 16/03/2011 02:47:50 (+0700)
khigiadano [Latest Reply]
folder [Document]  Dear Hacker 11 Ky0shir0 2578 14/03/2011 10:56:51 (+0700)
m3onh0x84 [Latest Reply]
folder [Document]  Xin Tài Liệu Về Bảo Mật Và Phòng Chống Hack Trong Mạng P2P 1 rookie2010 844 05/03/2011 17:01:49 (+0700)
Ky0shir0 [Latest Reply]
folder [Programming]  Thomas John nâng cấp mã nguồn Forum PAF 4.0 Over Load - Updated : 05/0 0 hoaianvn 382 05/03/2011 16:25:16 (+0700)
hoaianvn [Latest Reply]
folder [Document]  Proceedings of a Workshop on Deterring CyberAttacks 0 Ky0shir0 304 25/02/2011 15:39:38 (+0700)
Ky0shir0 [Latest Reply]
folder [Utilities]  Dựng Firewall với ISA 2006 0 hieudq 1043 25/02/2011 00:21:24 (+0700)
hieudq [Latest Reply]
folder [Question]  Hỏi địa chỉ kiểm định, đánh giá mức độ an ninh mạng 0 xmen_mc 433 23/02/2011 15:27:26 (+0700)
xmen_mc [Latest Reply]
folder [Question]  Xin ebook về ngôn ngữ lập trình Power Builder. 1 anex 1744 21/02/2011 13:22:42 (+0700)
james0bond [Latest Reply]
folder [Discussion]  Thiết kế 1 Website dạng ? 2 t2u4s 791 20/02/2011 19:30:24 (+0700)
mthien [Latest Reply]
folder [Document]  Tài liệu về Fat 32 ! 1 Neohvn 839 14/02/2011 15:39:33 (+0700)
chube [Latest Reply]
folder [Document]  Learn Encryption Techniques with BASIC and C++ 0 Ky0shir0 526 08/02/2011 08:58:10 (+0700)
Ky0shir0 [Latest Reply]
folder [Document]  Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking :D 1 Ky0shir0 914 06/02/2011 18:44:18 (+0700)
13013 [Latest Reply]
folder [Document]  Official (ISC)2 Guide to the SSCP CBK, Second Edition 0 Ky0shir0 574 28/01/2011 08:40:36 (+0700)
Ky0shir0 [Latest Reply]
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